surgeon = chirurgien
low cost = cheap (bon marché)
low = bas
high = haut
face lift = lifting
middle- aged = d'âge mûr (50 ans)
to look youger = paraître plus jeune
to increase = augmenter
to decrease = diminuer
car rental = location de voiture
to trust in = avoir confiance en
company = entreprise
to book = réserver
to turn to = se retourner vers
wrinkles = rides
are removed / taken off
nearly = presque
fewer = moins
the rise = la hausse
the decline = la baisse
mainly = principalement
a swimsuit = un maillot de bain
rolls of fat = bourrelets de graisse
shards of fat = //
the bulk = la plupart
well-off = classe aisée
wealthy = riche
classy = chic
vacation packages = forfait vacances
package tours = voyages organisés
at once = immédiatement
the freshness = la fraîcheur
implicity = implicitement
to provoke = provoquer
guarantee = garantie
confident = confiant
unique = unique
a meaning = une signification
to advice = conseiller
a drop = une goutte
to carry = transporter
convenient = pratique
moisturizing = (adj) hydratant
moisturizer = (nom) hydratant
efficient = efficace
reliable = fiable
to relie on = compter sur
the aim = le but

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